Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Tennis, Anyone?

This summer, I think I'm going to be playing a lot of tennis.

I called the New Jersey Senators' offices today about my applications.

Lautenberg: He didn't get a slot at all. The lady from his office said that they didn't receive my application. Which I sent in March. Actually, which my school sent in March, because of the ridiculous rule (that 99% of high schools don't have) that no transcripts or recommendations can be sent by the students themselves. I actually don't think that I'm allowed to have a copy of MY OWN transcript.

Menendez: I think the guy said that Senator Menendez only got a slot for a male this year. But I had to call from school (god forbid congressional offices make themselves available to their contituents after five pm) and I couldn't hear well. I also have a cold, and didn't feel like asking him to repeat himself when I could have been taking some meds or something. I asked if my application had been received and he said yes a little too quickly. I don't remember if I even told him my name.

That leaves Congressman Saxton. Who had a page last fall and is thus highly unlikely to get a page this summer. Plus, his staff won't even tell me if I made it to the second round (which they have known since April 14th).

So, instead I'll play tennis, maybe take a course at the local community college, hopefully make varsity, and work on a bunch of campaigns so next year I'll have a better shot. (Maybe I'll make a contact with someone who can make a contact with someone else, who...)


paratactics said...

If you're interested, you could do Tolstoy work, too. I've told you about that, right?

(Hint: Respond.)

postscript said...

Yeah...see my next post for what I'll probably be doing instead :]
