Sunday, December 28, 2008

Smiles and laughs

It's my birthday!

Dinner tonight in a private room at the club--I'm wearing my favorite dress, a red one that I got last summer at H&M.

We're having beef tenderloin, asparagus, and baked potatoes. I'm not sure what's for dessert, but I predict that it will involve almond cookies, which are my favorite :)

Then, gifts later.

It's also my dad's birthday--we got him Dreams From My Father. I think he'll be pleased.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

At my grandma's.

I had forgotten that she bought herself a computer about eight months ago, and set up super-fast high-speed internet to go with it.

So here I am, among the old people.

The biggest thing I hadn't remembered was that everyone dresses the same. Seriously. It's like they have uniforms. Perfectly creased shorts and a polo. The more adventurous sometimes go for a crisp button-down with the sleeves folded up, or one of those T-shirts you see in Saks or Neiman Marcus for fifty bucks and wonder who would pay for. Pastels and colors like salmon or sky blue are the only ones allowed.

In the evenings, St. John takes hold. Thousand-dollar dresses and suits for the ladies. The outfits are perfectly put together, with jewelry that tastefully compliments the clothes, and every hair is in place. The men are in jacket and tie. Every collar is perfectly starched, and they all know when to button and unbutton their blazers.

My grandma knows everybody here, and so I get to shake hands with various people and pretend I remember them from years past. Then I look down at my dinner and wish it weren't impolite to start eating the prime rib, which is getting cold fast, while my grandma is still catching up with old friends.

My sister is good at that stuff. She smiles and meets the people's eyes, and tells them how glad she is to see them again, while I shake their hands awkwardly and hope my words don't sound as fake to them as they do to me.

My mom is incredibly uptight. She's with her mother-in-law, and completely out of her usual environment. My dad was raised in the upper middle-class, belonging to a country club and being sent to a fancy boarding school. But my mom's family struggled to make ends meet--her dad didn't have a college degree, and they had five kids. So she's trying to relax, but she has no clue what to say or do, and because she's so insecure, she gets tense.

Vacations are supposed to be relaxing. But I spend so much time worrying about whether things are appropriate that it ends up just being a burden. I'm tense and self-conscious ALL THE TIME as it is, and throwing me into an environment with kids that are like those in my town, but ten times worse, just ends up being stressful.

At least the food is good. Tonight was the buffet at the main clubhouse, and I had shrimp, crab legs, seared tuna, salad, grouper, and prime rib, along with some vegetables.


Thursday, December 25, 2008

Pretty uneventful

No arguments until the last five minutes of the party:

Uncle: Postscript, have you read Robert Bork's book?
Me: (laughs) The Tempting of America? Yeah.
Uncle: Yeah, I like his books, I almost bought it for you...
Me: I love Bork. He's so ridiculous.


Uncle: I didn't find it ridiculous at all.
Sigh. I had already had to leave the room once that evening when my great-aunt was discussing the relative merits of various priests she had known.

Those darn Republicans.

P.S. I'll be away until the second--unless one of my grandmother's neighbors has unsecure wireless, expect no posts.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008



I mean, I took them early so that I would have time to retake them. But STILL.

CR: 800 (??)
M: 690 (WTF????)
W: 700
E: 9
MC: 69

690 on math? Really?


Monday, December 22, 2008

Freaking out.

SAT scores come out in under ten hours.

Now was not the night to drink two large mugs of strong cocoa.

But I did it anyway, and now have a headache from the ridiculous amounts of sugar and caffeine I consumed.

Sunday, December 21, 2008


How unethical is it to connect to your neighbors' unsecure wifi when yours isn't working?

Pretty much done.

The gifts are purchased, made, and wrapped.

The massive packet of ninety-four biology definitions that needed to be handwritten is finished.

I think I have a topic for my comparison essay.

Writing Christmas cards and actually giving out gifts is all that's left, I think.

Somehow, I was able to avoid sitting down with my new David Sedaris book and reading it straight through for twelve hours this weekend. Instead, I did the bio packet and thought about lit. cards and an outline.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Tomorrow's Agenda

In the morning, I'm going to a craft store to get the jars I need for the gifts for my teachers. I'm making homemade hot cocoa mix, and packaging it with chocolate chips and mini-marshmallows in a nice glass jar.

Then, at some point in the afternoon, I'm going into town to get my hair cut. I'll probably also check out Rite-Aid for some wrapping stuff, since we don't have many nondenominational gift bags (which I need, because a) I suck at wrapping gifts and b) how do you wrap a glass jar???).

Then I'm going to the Gap to buy myself some clothes. They're having a sale, with ten-dollar long-sleeved shirts, which I desperately need (want?). Plus, during my trip to the mall last weekend, I successfully resisted buying myself like three pairs of shoes that I wouldn't wear. So I feel like I can treat myself to something nice I'll actually use.

Right next door to the Gap is the local bookstore, where I'm planning on getting Dreams from my Father plus some history book for my dad for Christmas and his birthday. And finally, I'll hit Stop & Shop to buy some high-quality chocolate chips.

This is my life

Thursday, December 18, 2008


This afternoon, tomorrow, Monday, and a half-day on Tuesday.

That's it.

Then I'm free.

It has occurred to me, though, that this vacation won't be all that exciting. I have an essay to work on, my History Day project to write, and research to do for Model UN.

Plus, like five books I want to read. A couple of plays by Shakespeare, plus some more Chekhov, plus a book about Sam Adams, plus a fantasy by an author I used to be obsessed with.

But somehow it still sounds pretty relaxing.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Hell Week

Lit essay Monday
choir rehearsal monday
Math test tuesday
choir concert tuesday
History assignment wednesday
Physics test wednesday
AP Chem problem set thursday
History test friday
model un bakesale friday

forgive my non-posts

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Essaying at midnight

Wilson’s government take positions that supported American businesses some time.

Saturday, December 6, 2008


Finished. I think it went fairly well.

There was one math problem that was unsolvable. I don't know what was up with that. Ayway, the essay prompt was easy, the questions were easy, and the experimental section was critical reading.


Friday, December 5, 2008


I'm going to be one of those annoyingly overprepared kids. In my bag I have ten brand-new pencils, a graphing calculator with brand new batteries, extra batteries, and a scientific calculator. I also have my admission ticket, my ID, and a snack.

Beam good thoughts my way. My high PSAT scores (with a perfect score on critical reading!) that came in yesterday improved my confidence a lot.

So hopefully I'll do well.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I'm Definitely a Junior

I get offended when people ask me to wear my ID.
I think class is a waste of time.
I don't do homework when it's not collected or checked.
I look for excuses to wear pajamas all day.
I consider eleven pm an early bedtime.
Freshman are babies.
I wish I were a freshman.
I'm writing a blog post instead of studying. Or sleeping.