Saturday, May 10, 2008


My school has a picnic each May to welcome the pre-frosh and to force the regular students to go outside at least once a year. As a pre-frosh, it's terrifying: the peer leader kids force you to dance and to say hello to the people you're going to spend the next four years with.

My sister is a pre-frosh this year. Kind of. She got in (thank god. ) but doesn't want to go. She's shadowing on June second, but I'm worried that she'll get a nerdy or antisocial freshman to shadow and will hate the school. During the time she was making her decision, I was going through one of the most stressful times in my life thus far. I mean, I was a wreck. I cried in Model UN once, and was a complete basket case. So she now thinks that all my school is is a soul-sucking monstrous machine (which it is, sometimes) rather than the cool, welcoming, and drug-free (unlike my town high school, obviously) place it is.

She's dreading the picnic. She's dreading having to talk to people who she thinks she'll never see again. I hate that, because I didn't plan correctly and give myself some relaxation time, she might end up at my town high school. Don't get my wrong, it's one of the top schools in the county, but it's not one of the top schools in the world like mine is (IMO, of course).

At the picnic today, I'll be sitting at the Model UN table, coercing prefrosh into giving me their contact info so that we can spam them later and force them to be Model UNers next year. It should be fun. I hope my little sis sees some cool people there and starts to realize that we're not a nerd school. At least, not completely.

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