Friday, September 19, 2008


Hi postscript

I forgot to ask you in class - may I use your essay as an example for Monday's class? I thought you did a great job. Let me know if that's okay if you happen to get this email any time soon,


Ms. Lit Teacher

Whoa. I thought my essay was horrible.

Since around the middle of last year, I've had some issues with judging my own writing. I'll write something and think it's great then get a 50 and then write something else and think it's horrible and get a 95. I think this is a bad thing.

But hey: I wrote a good essay!


CP said...

congrats! that's awesome- the highest praise you could get from a teacher!

Viviana said...

omg congrats! haha, did you feel embarrassed seeing your essay read aloud?
i can actually relate to you here - i spent a sizeable amount of time on my essay but i still couldn't make the conclusion logical, so i gave up - and had to hold the suspense in over the weekend while everyone got theirs back. it turns out i did much better than expected :D