Sunday, March 30, 2008


My dad and I had a fight today. We were playing tennis and I was doing really well until we started a match--the exact same thing that happened yesterday in my class. All of a sudden, everything was going out, and my serve was basically nonexistent. So I got frustrated. And then (bad idea) I started thinking about how miserable school is this year and how sick I am of going to a math math math school.

So I started crying in the middle of a game after I screwed up yet another shot. My dad got angry at my frustration and told me I needed to chill and lower my expectations. That does NOT help me. I have expectations based on what I have been able to achieve in the past. It's not like a totally arbitrary thing.

I finally made him let us go home, and he yelled at me on the way to the car (the people at the court diagonal to us looked over and apparently decided I wasn't being abused or anything) and took us home. I ran upstairs and he talked to my mom for a few minutes before coming up.

When he came up to apologize (and let me apologize, which I did) I tried to explain all my issues with school and stuff this year. I pointed out that the three or four big things that bothered me were just made worse by the zillions of little things that were bothering me.

He agreed, obviously. And since he did, I decided not to go off on a rant about how much my mom adds to my stress. Smart move, huh?

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