Sunday, November 16, 2008

I just lost four days.

I thought my position paper for the Model UN conference I'm going to on Thursday is due tomorrow night at midnight, not at the start of the first committee session.


By Monday:
  • References for physiology paper.
  • Review chemistry notes for possible quiz.
  • Write position paper.
By Tuesday:
  • Study for chemistry final.
  • Study for math final.
Then I have to start my physiology take-home test, which is due the day after I get back from the conference (guess what I'll be doing while everyone else is at the dance or sleeping. FUN!).

Then I have to study for the biology test on Thursday. Which is the last class I have before we leave for the trip. I have such wonderful luck.

Then I have to figure out why I'm failing at critical reading.

Sigh. Every time I think I have a handle on things, I end up overwhelmed.

1 comment:

Jay said...

Dr. D also gave you guys a take-home PPAO? Ours is also due after pmunc...lovely.