Monday, February 23, 2009

Math classes.

I'm taking easy math next year.

It was hard for me to not take the highest level I placed into. Hard, as in I interrogated random people about what class they thought I should take. As in not deciding until ten minutes before the deadline.

But I know I made the right decision.

After I hit the "logout" button on the registration page, a huge wave of relief washed over me. And I've been happier all day.

In the end the choice was between being miserable or not being miserable. And boiled down to those terms, it wasn't much of a choice at all.


Anonymous said...

A true (name of our school)kid would never pass up an opportunity for masochism!

Viviana said...

Quite honestly, I wish I had your decisiveness when it comes to these kinds of options. Same thing happened to me, but I chose the sadistic course that I now regret taking. And what's worse, I don't learn from this mistake--I still chose the highest level I placed into because it "gives me options".